little compare and contrast

Finally home. Seems like I’ve lost 2 full days to travel and exhaustion. But we are here despite some minor airport rescheduling and 8 hours later, so were our bags.

It’s much better than being stuck an extra day in America and me panicking about making it to work on Monday morning on time. That being said I hated having to talk to all the airline employees and try to sort everything out and knowing that depending on their mood and my approach determines which rules they are willing to follow and bend. But it’s not worth getting into, I’ve traveled a lot and I know when to call bull on their little game of pass-the-problem onto the customer.

The important thing is to make sure you ask for what you want and make it clear when things are not appropriate. Like when you go to Starbucks and you ask for no whipped cream and they give you whipped cream, to ask them to make it again. I’ve lived up to the part I’m responsible for and it doesn’t make me a bad person to ask for what I ordered.

Ahh in America I’m a bit rude and demanding from time to time. I’ve lost the saccharine waitressing crap I never liked anyway, but in Germany I’m still a bit of a pushover. But especially if it comes to things I’m consuming and things I’ve been looking forward to, if I am going to consume and pay for it, it has to be worth it.

Things that were tough in America this trip is a tiny little list, but includes:

  • translating everything, over and over for the bf, essentially having many conversations twice
  • being responsible for any issues that involve extensive talking, like what directions the person gave or what the rental car guy said i.e. things that I’ve gotten used to the bf doing here, so it’s only fair anyways
  • finding things that I wanted to eat, that didn’t have added sugars, that didn’t have chicken, that didn’t have pork, (or at least non organic meat) that included some veggies, that didn’t have corn syrup (practically nothing). It was easier in Colorado, for sure. I still gained weight which was the reverse of what my body was doing in Greece. But it’s hard to control all that when you aren’t making all the meal decisions. This is a rant for another day though and something I knew I was getting myself into and deal with every time I go to America.
  • not getting enough time to read
  • no sparkling water

Things that I enjoyed back in America:

  • Family and friends, duh
  • driving again
  • orange and cranberry juice
  • pumpkin in food and coffee
  • Kind Coffee and dunkin donuts
  • Estes Park and the mountains and wide open spaces
  • FREE PUBLIC RESTROOMS (I have sprinted around so much holding it in Europe. I almost always have to plan my shopping around a bathroom break. It’s alright, but I love going into practically any store and knowing it’s there if I need it).
  • Books in English, duh
  • Steaks- Had the best filet ever with dad at a trying-to-be-eco-friendly steakhouse. I don’t like anything about how they raise/slaughter animals in the USA. (read Eating Animals by Jonathon Safron Foer.) I made a compromise for steak/beef  this trip, might not make it again next time. Time will tell.
  • The friendliness and smiles and being able to talk easily and pleasantly to strangers, with the added bonus of not thinking about grammar rules while doing so.
  • Corn on the cob
  • Colorado beer
  • oh yeah and reunions with lots of people after 4 long years

On Monday it’s back to school and back to work and back to the daily grind, but I’m lucky to live in a place where vacations are accepted as necessary! So that’s all tonight, time to reset my body clock.

Little Miss Ami goes to Ami-land

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this”

I feel like Princess Leia right now. I haven’t been able to shake this feeling all week so I’m listening to my father’s Funeral Hymn’s CD. Maybe it’s my birthday which brought it on. I know it’s weird but that’s how I am. Life doesn’t come with a guarantee and I’ve never been able to imagine myself as an old granny.

As much as I think about death, I should probably have decided to have a become a nun by now. I’m struck by how unjust this world is and how many things there are to pray for and an urgency to pray.

I think I’ve lost that early 20s optimism well and good. (If anyone doubted I’m my father’s daughter…)

But that’s not what anyone wants to read in a blog.

Ah well, no one can avoid death and possibly the reason humor was invented.

Waiting to check-in so I can change our seats in the long flight. I hate being cramped in the middle. Also I’m so looking forward to church on Sunday together with the fam (mostly) and for the bf to see how it was for me growing up, i.e. nothing like it is here.

Meanwhile the flat is mostly cleaned due to the visit I had this morning from the insurance man. So it’s just packing today and eating my perishables. Ha! Also a few additional things to buy. Oh how exciting!

I’m not looking forward to all the travelling around, but at least I have someone to prop me up when my lack of sleep starts to get to me. And I get to drive! The bf remains skeptical, he wants to be the other driver in our rented car, BUT at $93 I don’t think it’s worth it. He drives me everywhere there, I can drive there. Mostly he just doesn’t know how I drive and I can understand that, he doesn’t want to be driven crazy all week, literally. Haha. I have no intention of letting him drive though. It’s a stupid extra cost.

Also another thing he doesn’t believe. I have no desire to bring a whole fashionista wardrobe with me. I am going jeans and tshirts all summer long, with my vans and tennis shoes. I am so ready to just be a slob for a bit. And besides if I wore anything too out there around my grandparents, they’d just think I was stuck up and full of myself.

What else, ahhh Mexican!!! And in kzoo, donuts.

This is such a rubbish post, I almost don’t want to post it, but to hell with my perfectionism, I will and now I will get ready for me trip. If you’ll excuse me I’ll see ya’ll on the other side of the pond tomorrow night.